Tuesday, January 24, 2012

115 lbs - January 24, 2012

So I weighted in this Monday, I am 115 lbs

21% Body Fat
34 % Muscle
4.2% bone mass
55% Water

I am trying to get my body fat down 1% (to 20%) and my muscle up 1% as well to (35%). I am now lifting weights to build more muscle if I can. I am doing several exercises, Elliptical, Zumba 1 and Zumba 2, Wii Fit, Jilllian Michaels Get Ripped 30, Jillian Michaels 6 weeks abs, and I am so sure I will be buying more Jillian Michael programs because they get results and make things interesting :).

I am super excited My abs are also coming together, They are a working progress for this Mom of four :)


Edited: Just wanted to include in 2008 I was 117 lbs. But My Body fat was over 32%. I heard someone say they didn't think it was possible. It is possible and my Trainer DOUBLE CHECKED to make sure and was shocked himself. As we all know that body fat percentage was saying I was obese, even though my scale wasn't. For Sure I didn't feel sexy! Don't ask what my muscle was at the time, they probably didn't exist (joking, kinda)

Monday, January 16, 2012

Wash time :) - January 16,2012

So yesterday I cleansed my hair with my Normal Wen Fig, and then decided to use up some ORS Replenishing Paks as I have 12 (11 now) and wanted to clear up my stash.

First treatment this year I used Nexxus Emergencee with great results of course.
Second Treatment was Dudleys DRC -28

Since I didn't want to add a heavy protein 3 weeks in a row, I went ahead and used ORS Replenishing Pak (usually acts more moisturizing for me) but others stated protein so I used it as both LOL.

I used my new Hercules Sagmann Magic Star Rake Comb and both of these together offered my hair unbelieveable smoothness and the shedding/breakage was miniscule. I am super happy with the comb. I own the Wen seamless comb and a Hairsense Detangling bone comb #206. I love them all but the teeth were not long enough for my hair.

I still own my Tangle Teezer and do use it. Seems like as the Tangle Teezer gets older the less it works in my favor. I have used 3-4 Tangle Teezers tis far. I have 2 more left. I will continue to buy these as I like them.

On to my Hair wash, I used Wen Fig and it went very well, I parted from ear to ear. Pulling the hair forward and the other hair back towards the side of my hair. I cleansed and then parted and added my ORS conditioner into small enough sections that my hair would have it evenly applied and combed it through. Put a Metalic cap on and left it for a little over 1 hour. (was busy, planned only for 45 minutes). Rinsed it out, Added my Aphogee Green Tea, Aphogee Leave in, 2 pumps of Buriti oil and sat under the dryer for 10 minutes for my hair to dry mostly then Blow dried the rest out.

My hair feels great, Honestly it does. I know some may feel this is a cheap under $2 product but it is definitely worth it LOL, Good thing is I didn't have to do a two step, this was it, no protein then moisturizing, felt weird LOL. My hair is definitely lavishing in all the extra TLC. I guess it doesn't like to be braided up for long. Little does she know she will be braided up in a couple of weeks I need a break :/

With working out there is no way I could wash my hair any less then one week. This is when my hair is most happy, so out of braids this is it. In braids I can go 2-3 weeks. Which isn't a common thing, only when I am wearing wigs or lace fronts. DAG I haven't done a Lace front in a minute and I have quite a few Human Hair Lace Fronts :/ That is why this year is my cheap year. I can't fathom spending so much money any more and not using it. Different if I was using it.

One purchase tis far is WEN Vanilla Mint - Gift I got myself for my birthday. I have 5(different products not quantity) more purchases for the year. One will be my beloved Edge control by Organic Root Stimulator x 2/3
Others would be as needed (If needed)

Until Next time.... Have a Good Day :)

Saturday, January 7, 2012

January 7th 2012 - What's New What's up :)

We have completed one whole week into 2012 and next week is my birthday :)

I am 21.6 on the BMI scale, not trying to lose any more weight at all. I am still exercising because it is the right thing for me to do to keep healthy along with eating right. I figure the safe weight for me is 115 Lower end, 120 is what I want to keep at (a little less then that now) and 125 is the max I want to be. I think I look great and want to keep it healthy and toned.

OKAY...... So I am going to go for a 24-36 month Transition. I have a ton of products to use up and I don't want to have short hair, been there DONE THAT. I have balded myself quite enough. Soooooooo. What I am going to do is just keep it trimmed at hip. I am HIP length Whew hew. I will keep it there. I am healthy relaxed right now and a little concerned about long term transitioning issues as I have never transitioned I have just shaved myself when I wanted a change.

Today I washed my hair with Wen Fig. I used Kerapro Intensive treatment (HATED IT) I wanted to love it, I did. but No bueno! So I did use my DRC after, with me having 6 months, and 2 days post relaxer, My hair needs to stay strong so it can stay attached. I put a metallic conditioning cap. I rinsed that out and used Alter Ego Garlic Conditioner & Proclaim Hydrating masque put the same cap on, because I am cheap.... and left it on for an hour, rinsed and BAM hair was soft as baby butter bottom cotton swab with cotton candy. hehehehehe

I used my HAIRSENSE Seamless comb that I have owned for about 2 years and I still love it to detangle. I also used my Denman (It is new) to detangle. Detangling session was great.

I put in some Buriti Oil, sat under the dryer for 10 minutes. Combed through again and blow dried. After I put it up in a pony tail and slapped my Tisha Half Wig ON :)

My plans for my LONG term Transition is Lots of HALF WIGS.

I hope to cut it when it is MBL.

I do still plan to use my curlformers. I don't wear my hair out right now but maybe one to two times a year so that is fine. I rock wigs alot or buns that won't stop. :)